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Modern Building Exterior


Why you need this

Commercial window tinting is the application of a thin film to commercial windows and glass surfaces. The film helps to reduce Glare, reject UV rays, improve privacy, reduce heat gain, and enhance the aesthetics of commercial buildings. It can also provide additional security by making it more difficult for intruders to enter your building.

Commercial window tinting is a great way to improve the look and feel of commercial buildings. It also helps to reduce energy costs by reducing the amount of heat transfer through glass surfaces. With commercial window tinting, you can enjoy improved comfort and privacy while also adding style to your commercial property.


Whether you are looking for privacy, security, glare reduction, heat control, or improved aesthetics, commercial window tinting is an effective solution that can provide numerous benefits.

We use only the highest quality commercial window film that provides years of protection. Our commercial window tinting experts have extensive knowledge and experience to ensure your project is done correctly and with precision.


It is important to consider what your needs are in order to choose an appropriate product that will be able to deliver the performance you are looking for. If you are overwhelmed by the number of options available to you, our team can help.

Benefits include:

Commercial window tinting can enhance the look and feel of commercial buildings. The film can be applied in a variety of colors and shades to match the style of commercial properties, providing an attractive look without sacrificing performance.

Modern Architecture


Energy Efficiency


Just like insulation for your building, solar control window film offers thermal insulation for your windows. Control how much light and heat enters your building and reduce utility costs.



Comfort & Productivity


Increase comfort without paying for tinted glass for your building. Solar control window film is a fraction of the cost of tinted glass and offers many benefits including increased employee comfort and productivity.


UV Protection


Solar control window film helps block dangerous UV rays from entering your building. Help protect your interior furnishings fading and your employees from health risks associated with UV rays.


Corrects Temperature Imbalances


Window films can help eliminate hot and cold spots within a space through the strategic use of film that reduces heat gain coming through the glass in hot areas. This will create a more balanced temperature across the space and reduce the load on the aircon system.


Safety, Security & Privacy


Some window films are able to increase the impact resistance of your windows and prevent the glass from shattering when broken, providing an extra layer of security and safety for your building’s occupants. Other tinted window films or mirror films can enhance the privacy within your building by preventing passersby from peering in. Commercial window tinting helps to enhance privacy by making it difficult for people outside of your commercial building to see in.


Fast Return on Investment


Solar window films offers one of the fastest payback periods of popular energy-savings upgrades such as lighting, window and aircon unit replacement.


Get in touch with us for a free commercial window tinting consultation today! To learn more about commercial window tinting, contact The Tint Pros today. We look forward to helping you improve the look and feel of your commercial property!

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